
Photograph and Painting by Flávio Ruivo

Aqui mostro uma pintura minha, óleo sobre tela, que já tem alguns anitos!! Gosto de cores fortes e contrastadas, gosto de brincar com as formas de alterar e criar algo de imaginário e abstracto mas que no entanto tem algo de bem real, gosto de misturar o real e o imaginário!! de criar algo que é uma mistura entre o real e os sonhos, ideias Surrealistas...
Here I show to a painting mine, oil on screen, that already has some years! Taste of strong and contrasted colors, taste to play with the forms to modify and to create something of imaginary and abstract but that however it has something of real estate, taste to mix the Real and the Imaginary one! to create something that is a mixture between the Real and the Dreams, Surrealist ideas…

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